The Animation Lab is an experimental content space at BuzzFeed focused on animation -
a place for humor, art, crazy ideas and motivated people.
We aspire to be the masters of the smallest screen and the shortest of formats by creating compelling animation born on the internet, for the internet.
Learn more about our awesome shows.
Brittney Trinh
Brittney Trinh (she/her) has been a Social Media Strategist for the Animation Lab since 2021. She has always been passionate about the entertainment industry. Brittney thoroughly enjoys curating feeds, analyzing trends, and creating content with the brands she works with. At the Animation Lab, she handles publishing on various social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram for The Good Advice Cupcake, The Land of Boggs, Chikn Nuggit, and Weird Helga. She also works closely with the animation team to analyze performance and develop social strategies. Her personal loves include capybaras, Passion Planning, DIY projects, Cats & Soup, Disneyland, and Cinema Therapy.
Social Media Strategist for Animation Lab